Police were called for the second time in three months to the Hollywood Hills home of actress Lindsay Lohan on Sunday to investigate a burglary there.
According to an officer at the Los Angeles Police Department's Hollywood station, no one was home during the break-in, which Lohan discovered after the fact. Many of (Lohan's) personal belongings were taken without remorse in the break-in. He gave no other details except to say that no arrests had been made.
At 3:00 a.m. the actress found things amiss after coming home and Lindsay Lohan called her father, Michael Lohan, who called the police.
According to her father - "that a safe was ripped off a wall in the home and that a couple of watches were taken, and that he believes the theft was "an inside job" because employees for his daughter had failed to turn on the house "burglar alarm."
A previous burglary attempt was reported there in May, police said. According to celebrity news website TMZ.com - "that the suspects in that incident apparently were frightened off by the alarm, but not before intruders were captured on videotape trying to gain entry."
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